AI with a vision. Make your videos with OZU.

Personalized video search and editing platform. Available now.

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Filmmakers see the world differently. So should AI.

Filmmakers see the world differently. So should AI.

OZU understands what's inside your videos - just like you do when you're looking through a camera. That means you can ask OZU for anything you need to find your story: shots, scenes, rough cuts, or even what you're missing.

Read more about why we started OZU.

What's coming to OZU

Our goal is to empower storytellers with powerful tools that understand video. We're delivering OZU for personalized search today in beta. Soon, we'll be sharing Text-to-Video and Video-to-Video style transfers, a new way to create from your videos. We're also adding sharing so you can collaborate with OZU alongside your friends, colleagues, or family.

See the world like a filmmaker.

OZU understands cinematography, art direction, characters, locations, sounds, dialogue, and scenes.

Think aloud with visuals

Think aloud with visuals

OZU understands the language of visual communication. Lighting. Color. Cinematic terms like framing, composition, and shot type. Natural language descriptions.

Share images and shots with OZU and ask for what's similar.

Precord your videos to create instant rough cuts and find the shots and stories you're looking for.

OZU understands the language of visual communication. Lighting. Color. Cinematic terms like framing, composition, and shot type. Natural language descriptions.

Share images and shots with OZU and ask for what's similar.

Precord your videos to create instant rough cuts and find the shots and stories you're looking for.

OZU sees and hears the people, characters, and emotions in your stories.

OZU sees and hears the people, characters, and emotions in your stories.

People are the heart of stories. Now you can find them on screen and off.

Show me all the shots with Character X. Show me all the shots where they talk about Y.

Customize OZU to work for your story - searching for the moods, relationships, and scenes that matter to you.

Combine features like cinematic terms, natural language, similarity search, and characters, to help think aloud with your footage.

People are the heart of stories. Now you can find them on screen and off.

Show me all the shots with Character X. Show me all the shots where they talk about Y.

Customize OZU to work for your story - searching for the moods, relationships, and scenes that matter to you.

Combine features like cinematic terms, natural language, similarity search, and characters, to help think aloud with your footage.

Join the closed beta.

Ozu Technology Syndicate 2024